The Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen (TGFS) and VNG Innovation GmbH (VNG Innovation) are investing seven-figure sums in Infrasolid GmbH (Infrasolid). Infrasolid ( is a spin-off of the Institute for Solid State Electronics (IFE) at Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden). The Dresden-based start-up was founded in 2017 and develops, produces and commercializes high-temperature infrared radiation sources that are used in gas detection and gas analysis systems.
TGFS ( provides technology oriented founders with venture capital for the seed and start-up phase. The fund was launched in 2008 with a volume of EUR 60 million and increased to more than EUR 124 million in March 2016. The target companies of the TGFS are young, innovative, technology oriented founders and companies that are operating in the sectors of ICT, semiconductor and microsystems technology, medical engineering, life science, environmental and energy technology as well as new media. TGFS focuses on young companies with their seat or place of business in Saxony, Germany.
VNG Innovation GmbH ( is a wholly-owned subsidiary of VNG AG. The company was established in 2015 to enter into strategic partnerships with start-ups concentrating on energy industry topics. This also includes the allocation of venture capital for recently established technology companies. The main focuses of investment are energy efficiency, energy storage, energy conversion, digitalization, mobility and sustainability. Infrasolid is the fifth participation of VNG Innovation. Company founders working in these areas can apply using a contact form on the company’s website.
A legal team of GRUENDELPARTNER headed by Dr. Steffen Fritzsche advised TGFS. The venture capital practise group of GRUENDELPARTNER is one of the biggest and most experienced in Central Germany and supports investors and founders from business formation to financing and exit.
Dr. Steffen Fritzsche (Lead, Corporate),
Florian Helbig (Corporate),
Anja Bayer (Commercial) (all based in Leipzig)
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